Tuesday, December 21, 2010

new icon

 I just thought it's time for a change and that my previous icon looked nothing like me.  So I just "me'd" it up.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Pyro Badger and teeth

Just last friday (dec 17, 2010) I got my wisdom teeth removed.  Happy to finally get it done in 4 years, I'm in agony.  Today (monday) it still hurts, but I'm well enough to draw a Badger leaning on a gas can.

I named him Arson
Arson (JPG)
Arson (PNG)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Makato development

I've gotten around to doing the design for my character.  I still might make more modifications sometime in the future.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Head-Check 5- Wizards-o-Winter

I have finally got myself to do another comic strip.  I'm back people!

I got this comic idea while I was shoveling, when this tree kept on dropping snow wherever I was done working.  I actually turned to the tree and said "spare me the irony!", and he heard me and deliberately did the opposite.

pen & ink on sketch-paper
Photoshop CS2 with Wacom Graphire4

Pokémonette- Garchomp [FINAL POKÉMONETTE]

A new Pkette for everyone!

Garchomp was an easy design, but a hard pokémon to choose.  I originally did try to work around mythological creature-girls and I always try to challenge myself, but I just do what my fans want me to do!

I was sad when I was stuck using Photoshop Elements when I just recently got CS4; I guess it's good to have alternatives when another computer overheats and goes berserk

Monday, December 6, 2010

Robin Hood was the hot topic

I did a Boredoodle piece a while ago and that got people asking me to draw other Robin Hood characters; but at a sad turn I couldn't draw everybody.

Here's who I got in one week

closed blogs

I have had it up to here with dealing with other blogs, especially how misguiding they are to viewers and followers.  So I have closed them down and just filling up the one, the one we love.

Catch me here every time now!